S. 1374—-Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ)/Commerce, Science, and Transportation (7/14/11)—A bill to direct the Federal Trade Commission to prescribe rules prohibiting deceptive advertising of abortion services.
H.R. 2543—-Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)/Energy and Commerce (7/14/11)— A bill to direct the Federal Trade Commission to prescribe rules prohibiting deceptive advertising of abortion services.
S. 1370—-Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA)/Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (7/14/11)—A bill to reauthorize 21st century community learning centers, and for other purposes.
H.R. 2491—-Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO)/Ways and Means (7/11/11)—A bill to allow refunds of Federal motor fuel excise taxes on fuels used in mobile mammography vehicles.
H.R. 2499—-Rep. Larry Kissell (D-NC)/Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means (7/12/11)—A bill to improve the diagnosis and treatment of lymphedema under the Medicare program and to reduce costs under such program related to the treatment of lymphedema.
H.R. 2510—- Rep. Betty Sutton (D-OH)/Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means (7/13/11)—A bill to provide for timely access to post-mastectomy items under Medicare.
S. 1362—-Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA)/Foreign Relations (7/13/11)—A bill to simplify the Trafficking in Persons Report by reducing the number of country categories and ranking countries within each category according to their relative adherence to the minimum standards set forth in section 108 of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (P.L. 106-386).
H.R. 2519—-Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE)/Foreign Affairs (7/13/11)—A bill to amend the Child Soldiers Prevention Act (P.L. 110-340) to prohibit peacekeeping operations assistance to countries that recruit and use child soldiers.
S. 1354—-Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC)/Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (7/13/11)—A bill to authorize grants to promote media literacy and youth empowerment programs, to authorize research on the role and impact of depictions of girls and women in the media, to provide for the establishment of a National Task Force on Girls and Women in the Media, and for other purposes.
H.R. 2513—-Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)/Energy and Commerce (7/13/11)—A bill to authorize grants to promote media literacy and youth empowerment programs, to authorize research on the role and impact of depictions of girls and women in the media, to provide for the establishment of a National Task Force on Girls and Women in the Media, and for other purposes.