On July 8, the House passed, 386-41, the Enhancing Small Business Research and Innovation Act (H.R. 2965), after defeating, 246-181, a motion to recommit by Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID). The House Small Business Committee approved the legislation on June 25 (see The Source, 6/26/09).
The measure would extend the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs through FY2011. According to the committee’s report, the current authorization for the SBIR program expires on July 31 (P.L. 106-554); the authorization for the STTR program expires on September 30 (P.L. 107-50).
The report states, “Effective outreach to small firms owned and controlled by women, veterans, and minorities and to businesses located in [geographic] areas that are underrepresented in the SBIR and STTR programs is a continuing challenge for the programs.” As a result, the bill’s outreach and support provisions “are intended to increase the number of small firms applying for awards, increase the number of small companies owned and controlled by women and minorities that apply for SBIR awards, and encourage economic development organizations to develop effective programs to increase the size of the SBIR economy in their state.”
During consideration of the measure, the House approved, by voice vote, an amendment by Reps. Dave Reichert (R-WA) and Adam Smith (D-WA) to give preference to SBIR and STTR award applications submitted by organizations that are located in underrepresented states and regions, or are owned by women, service-disabled veterans, or minorities.