On September 19, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved en bloc, by voice vote, a resolution to address international parental child abduction (S. Res. 543).
Sponsored by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), the resolution contains findings, including:
The Senate “urges countries identified by the U.S. Department of State as noncompliant with the Convention to fulfill their commitment under international law to expeditiously implement the provisions of the Convention” and “calls on all countries to become a party to the Convention and to promptly institute measures to equitably and transparently address cases of international parental child abduction.” The Senate encourages the U.S. to “vigorously pursue the return of each child abducted by a parent from the U.S. to another country through all appropriate means, facilitate access by the left-behind parent if the child is not returned, and, where appropriate, seek the extradition of the parent that abducted the child; improve the prevention of international parental child abduction from the U.S.; and ensure that effective and timely assistance is provided to U.S. citizens who are parents of children abducted from the U.S. and taken to foreign countries.”