Women’s Policy, Inc.,
Disabled American Veterans,
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
in cooperation with
Representatives Kristi Noem and Doris Matsui
Co-Chairs, Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues
Representatives Susan Brooks and Lois Frankel
Vice-Chairs, Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues
invite you to our annual Veterans’ Day breakfast briefing:
Returning Home: Health Challenges Facing Women Veterans Following Deployment
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
8:00 – 9:15 a.m.
2168 Rayburn House Office Building
Patricia M. Hayes, PhD, Chief Consultant, Women’s Health Services, VHA Patient Care Services, Department of Veterans Affairs
Shurhonda Love, Assistant National Legislative Director, Disabled American Veterans (DAV)
Lauren Augustine, Legislative Associate, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA); Iraq War Veteran
This event was made possible through a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Please RSVP in the affirmative only to Women’s Policy, Inc. by Monday, November 16, by clicking here, calling us at (202) 554-2323, or e-mailing claudia@wcpinst.org