Week of December 8-12, 2014
The House is scheduled to consider an omnibus spending bill (as -yet-unnumbered), the Early Awareness Requires Learning Young (EARLY) Reauthorization Act (H.R. 5185), the Global Food Security Act (H.R. 5656), Senator Paul Simon Water for the World Act (H.R. 2901), and a bill to designate the Juanita Millender-McDonald Post Office (H.R. 5687).
The Senate is likely to consider the National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 3979) and the omnibus spending bill.
Economy- On Tuesday, the Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing, “Social Security: Is a Key Foundation of Economic Security Working for Women?”
Violence Against Women- On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism will hold a hearing, “Campus Sexual Assault: The Roles and Responsibilities of Law Enforcement.”