Child Care
S. 3436—-Sen. Al Franken (D-MN)/Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (7/25/12)—A bill to improve the quality of infant and toddler care.
H.R. 6196—-Rep. Peter King (R-NY)/Judiciary, Oversight and Government Reform (7/25/12)—A bill to eliminate the backlog in performing DNA analyses of DNA samples collected from convicted child sex offenders, and for other purposes.
H.R. 6187—-Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT)/Armed Services, Energy and Commerce (7/25/12)—A bill to establish a research program under the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program of the Department of Defense to discover a cure for HIV/AIDS.
S. Res. 532—-Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL)/Considered and agreed to (7/26/12)—A resolution expressing support for the XIX International AIDS Conference and the sense of the Senate that continued commitment by the United States to HIV/AIDS research, prevention, and treatment programs is crucial to protecting global health.
H.R. 6218—-Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (R-NY)/Energy and Commerce (7/26/12)—A bill to provide for the establishment of the Autoimmune Diseases Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee, and for other purposes.
Tax Policy
H.R. 6165—-Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ)/Ways and Means (7/23/12)—A bill to require certain nonresident aliens to provide valid immigration documents to claim the refundable portion of the child tax credit.
S. 3427—-Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI)/Finance (7/24/12)—A bill to permanently extend the employer-provided child care credit.
H.R. 6181—-Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA)/Ways and Means (7/24/12)—A bill to extend certain improvements in the child tax credit and the earned income tax credit, and for other purposes.
Violence Against Women
H.R. 6198—-Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)/Education and the Workforce, Judiciary (7/25/12)—A bill to protect the civil rights of victims of gender-motivated violence and to promote public safety, health, and regulate activities affecting interstate commerce by creating employer liability for negligent conduct that results in an individual committing a gender-motivated crime of violence against another individual on premises controlled by the employer, and for other purposes.