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FY2018 Budget Summary

President Submits FY2018 Budget to Congress

On May 23, President Trump submitted to Congress his first budget proposal. The document is more detailed than the budget outline the administration submitted on March 16 (see The Source, 3/17/17). It provides funding recommendations for specific programs and details priorities for the upcoming fiscal year, which begins on October 1.

The budget provides $4.1 trillion in overall spending for FY2018; discretionary spending is capped at $1.065 trillion. The proposal comes on the heels of the recently enacted omnibus bill for FY2017 (P.L. 115-31), which Congress passed on May 4 (see FY2017 Appropriations Summary).

The charts below detail enacted FY2017 spending levels and proposed FY2018 spending levels for various programs important to women and their families. Please note: the FY2017 omnibus spending bill had not been enacted at the time the administration drafted its budget. As a result, the president’s budget documents estimate annualized FY2017 levels based upon the then continuing resolution (CR) (P.L. 114-254) (see FY2017 Continuing Resolution Summary).


Department of Agriculture

The budget proposes $137 billion in overall spending in FY2018 for the Department of Agriculture. This amount includes $116 billion in mandatory spending and $21 billion in discretionary spending.



 President’s FY2018 Request

Domestic Food Programs

Food and Nutrition Service

$108.111 billion

$104.461 billion

Child Nutrition Programs

$22.794 billion

$24.256 billion

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

$6.35 billion

$6.15 billion1

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

$78.481 billion

$73.613 billion

Commodity Assistance Program

$315.139 million

$293.591 million

Foreign Agricultural Service

P.L. 480 Title II Food for Peace

$1.466 billion


McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition

$201.626 million


1 Includes $60 million for breastfeeding peer counseling and other related activities.

2 Funding for the program would be eliminated “as part of the administration’s effort to streamline foreign assistance, prioritize funding, and use funding as effectively as possible.”

3 The administration states that the program is “duplicative of USAID programs, lacks evidence that it is being effectively implemented, and has unaddressed oversight and performance monitoring challenges.”



The Department of Defense budget proposes a $574.5 billion base budget and $64.6 billion in overseas contingency operations (OCO) in FY2018, bringing the overall request to $639.1 billion. The total is $52.4 billion over the cap established by the Budget Control Act (P.L. 112-25).



 President’s FY2018 Request

Defense Health Program

$33.781 billion

$33.664 billion

Military Personnel (base and OCO)

$138.905 billion

$145.962 billion

Family Housing

$1.251 billion

$1.407 billion

Child Care and Youth Programs

$1.2 billion

$1.2 billion

Military Spouse Employment

$100 million

$100 million


Department of Education

The administration’s request includes $59 billion in discretionary funds for the Department of Education. This amount represents a $12.637 billion decrease from the FY2017 enacted level.



 President’s FY2018 Request

Title I Grants to LEAs

$15.46 billion

$15.882 billion

Special Education Grants for Infants and Families

$458.556 million

$457.7 million

Child Care Access Means Students in School (CCAMPIS)

$15.134 million


Office for Civil Rights

$108.5 million

$106.8 million

The program is included among those recommended for elimination because they “duplicate other programs, are more appropriately supported with state, local, institutional, or private funds, are outside of the Department’s core mission, or have not shown evidence of effectiveness.”


Department of Health and Human Services

The president’s FY2018 budget request for the Department of Health and Human Services provides $1.113 trillion in overall budget authority. This amount is $13.906 billion over FY2017 and includes $64.778 billion in discretionary funds.



 President’s FY2018 Request

Food and Drug Administration (discretionary)

$2.7431 billion

$1.888 billion

User Fees

$1.954 billion

$3.228 billion

Mammography User Fees

$20.522 million

$21 million

Health Resources and Services Administration (discretionary)

$6.461 billion

$5.548 billion

Community Health Centers (discretionary)

$1.491 billion

$1.389 billion




 President’s FY2018 Request

Maternal and Child Health Bureau

$863.617 million

$1.2 billion

Maternal and Child Health Block Grant

$641.7 million

$667 million

Heritable Disorders

$13.883 million

$02 (p. 176)

Universal Newborn Hearing Screening

$17.818 million

$02 (p. 164)

Healthy Start

$103.5 million

$128 million

Family-to-Family Health Information Centers (mandatory)

$5 million

$5 million

Home Visiting (mandatory)

$372 million

$400 million

Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act

$2.319 billion

$2.26 billion

Ryan White Part C – Early Intervention

$201.079 million

$205 million

Ryan White Part D – Children, Youth, Women, and Families Programs

$75.088 million

$75 million

Family Planning

$286.479 million

$286 million

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (discretionary)

$6.349 billion

$5.054 billion

Global Health

$435.121 million

$350 million

HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, and TB Prevention

$1.117 billion

$934 million

National Institutes of Health (discretionary)

$34.084 billion

$25.883 billion

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities

$289.069 million

$215 million

Administration for Children and Families (overall)

$54.1251 billion

$46.182 billion

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

$17.345 billion

$15.117 billion

Child Support Enforcement

$4.277 billion

$4.286 billion

Refugee and Entrant Assistance (aid to victims of trafficking)

$18.755 million

$29 million

Child Care Development Block Grant

$2.856 billion

$2.761 billion

Children and Families Services Programs

$11.294 billion

$10.204 billion (p. 68)

Head Start

$9.253 billion

$9.168 billion

Family Violence/Battered Women’s Shelters

$151 million

$159 million

National Domestic Violence Hotline

$8.25 million

$8 million




 President’s FY2018 Request

Promoting Safe and Stable Families (overall)3

$384.765 million

$555 million

Office of the Secretary, General Department Management

$525.457 million

$527 million

Sexual Risk Avoidance

$15 million

$10 million

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Community Grants

$101 million

$04(p. 91)

Office for Civil Rights

$38.798 million

$33 million

Office of Minority Health

$56.67 million

$57 million

Office on Women’s Health

$32.14 million

$32 million

Minority HIV/AIDS

$53.9 million

$05 (p. 120)

1 Annualized amount from FY2017 CR.

2 “The budget prioritizes programs that support direct health care services and give states and communities the flexibility to meet local needs. States may continue to support these activities with their Maternal and Child Health Block Grant awards.”

3 The total for Promoting Safe and Stable Families includes $75 million annually for abstinence education and the Personal Responsibility Education Program.

4 “The teenage pregnancy rate has declined significantly over recent years, but it does not appear this program has been a major driver in that reduction.”

5 “The Budget prioritizes programs that focus on providing effective, direct health care services to minority populations affected by HIV/AIDS.”


Department of Housing and Urban Development

The administration proposes $39.715 billion overall for the Department of Housing and Urban Development in FY2018. This amount includes $31.211 billion and $8.504 billion in discretionary and mandatory funds, respectively, and is $11.829 billion below FY2017.



 President’s FY2018 Request

Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS

$356 million

$330 million

Family Self-Sufficiency

$75 million

$75 million


Department of Justice

The FY2018 budget provides $27.7 billion in discretionary funds for the Department of Justice. This amount is $1.1 billion below FY2017.



 President’s FY2018 Request

Office on Violence Against Women

$481.5 million

$480 million

Grants to Combat Violence Against Women (STOP Grants)

$214.59 million

$215 million

Transitional Housing Assistance

$29.943 million

$30 million




 President’s FY2018 Request

Research and Evaluation on Violence Against Women

$3 million

$5 million

Sexual Assault Victims Services

$34.935 million

$35 million

Rural Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Enforcement

$35 million

$34 million

Violence on College Campuses

$19.962 million

$20 million

Civil Legal Assistance

$44.914 million

$45 million

Elder Abuse Grant Program

$4.99 million

$5 million

Family Civil Justice

$15.97 million

$16 million

Education and Training for Disabled Female Victims

$5.989 million

$6 million

Research on Violence Against Indian Women

$1 million

$2 million

Tribal Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction

$2.495 million

$2.5 million

Indian Country Sexual Assault Clearinghouse



National Resource Center on Workplace Responses



Consolidated Youth-Oriented Program

$10.979 million

$11 million

Rape Survivor Child Custody Act

$1.5 million

$2.5 million

Office of Justice Programs

$1.835 billion1

$1.297 billion

Victims of Trafficking Grants

$44.914 million

$45 million

Prison Rape Prevention and Prosecution

$10.48 million

$15.5 million

National Sex Offender Public Website


$1 million

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)

$8.963 million

$9 million

DNA Initiative

$124.762 million

$105 million

Debbie Smith Backlog Grants

$116.778 million

$97 million

Sexual Assault Forensic Exam

$3.992 million

$4 million

Community Teams to Reduce Sexual Assault Kit Backlog

$44.914 million

$45 million

Annualized amount from FY2017 CR. Department of Labor

The president’s request includes $43.6 billion in overall spending for the Department of Labor in FY2018. This amount includes $9.7 billion and $33.9 billion in discretionary and mandatory funds, respectively, and is $2.4 billion below FY2017.



 President’s FY2018 Request

Dislocated Worker’s Assistance

$1.242 billion

$732.485 million

Women in Apprenticeships



Women’s Bureau

$12.53 million

$2.925 million

International Labor Affairs

$86.961 million

$18.5 million2

“The goals of this program will be met with the broader Apprenticeship program, and the 2018 budget thus requests no funding.”

“The budget…focuses the agency on ensuring that U.S. trade agreements are fair for American workers. Department of State

The administration’s request includes $37.6 billion in FY2018 for the Department of State and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). This amount includes $25.6 billion in base (enduring) funding and $12 billion in overseas contingency operations.

The budget documents note that the reduction in funding for global health programs “reflects efforts to realign all foreign assistance with U.S. national security goals and interests. Some programs were eliminated but every effort was made to ensure that the most critical priorities are maintained.”



 President’s FY2018 Request

Diplomatic and Consular Affairs

$5.611 billion

$5.284 billion

International Peacekeeping

$552.904 million

$268.886 million

Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

$12.5 million

$13.822 million

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

$1.447 billion

$1.273 billion

Bilateral Economic Assistance

Migration and Refugee Assistance

$912.802 million

$715.524 million

Global Health and Child Survival (State and USAID)

$8.725 billion

$6.481 billion

President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)

$5.67 billion

$4.975 billion

Maternal and Child Health

$814.5 million

$749.6 million

Vulnerable Children

$23 million


Family Planning/Reproductive Health

$523.95 million


Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria

$1.35 billion

$1.125 billion


$330 million



$45 million


International Organizations and Programs

UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

$132.5 million

Not specified

UN Women (formerly UNIFEM)

$7.7 million


UN Population Fund (UNFPA)

$32.5 million




Department of Veterans Affairs

The president’s FY2018 budget provides $186.5 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs. This amount is $4.4 billion over FY2017 and contains $82.1 billion in discretionary funds.



 President’s FY2018 Request

Women Veterans

$471 million

$505 million


Other Agencies

In addition to the departments listed above, the budget request includes funding for several independent federal agencies, including the Small Business Administration, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Commission on Civil Rights, and the Legal Services Corporation.



President’s FY2018 Request

Small Business Administration

$886.671 million

$826.5 million

Entrepreneurial Development Programs

$245.1 million

$192.45 million

Women’s Business Centers

$18 million

$16 million

National Women’s Business Council

$1.5 million

$1.5 million

Microloan Technical Assistance

$31 million

$25 million

Small Business Development Centers

$125 million

$110 million

Equal Employment Opportunity  Commission

$364.5 million

$363.807 million

Commission on Civil Rights

$9.2 million

$9.183 million

Legal Services Corporation

$385 million

$33 million1

The budget would eliminate funding for the LSC; $33 million is to be used “to conduct an orderly closeout of the LSC, beginning in FY2018.