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House Committee Approves Financial Services, General Government Spending Bill

On July 17, the House Appropriations Committee approved, 27-21, the FY2014 Financial Services and General Government spending bill (as-yet-unnumbered). The Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee approved the measure on July 10 (see The Source, 7/12/13).

According to the committee report, the measure would provide $16.966 billion in discretionary funding for FY2014, $4.282 billion below FY2013 and $7.045 billion below President Obama’s FY2014 budget request.

The chart below details funding levels for programs important to women and their families.



President FY2014 Request2


Small Business Administration $1.045 billion $968.838 million $898.06 million
Women’s Business Centers $14 million $13.05 million $14 million
National Women’s Business Council $998,000 $900,000 $900,000
Microloan Technical Assistance $20 million $19.85 million $20 million
Small Business Development Centers $112.5 million $106.68 million $112.5 million

1Does not reflect the across-the-board reductions mandated by P.L. 112-25, the Budget Control Act.
2Numbers taken from the SBA FY2014 Budget Request document.