On October 14, the House Energy and Commerce Committee approved, by voice vote, the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Bill (H.R. 3792). The Subcommittee on Health approved the bill, also by voice vote, on October 13 and held a hearing on the legislation on September 9 (see The Source, 9/11/09). The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee approved its version of the bill (S. 1793) on September 30 (see The Source, 10/2/09).
The bill would establish a permanent authorization by removing the current authorization’s (P.L. 109-415) sunset provision. That authorization expired on September 30. However, a one-month extension was included in the continuing resolution (P.L. 111-68) President Obama signed into law on October 1.
The legislation would authorize $2.55 billion in FY2010, $2.677 billion in FY2011, $2.811 billion in FY2012, and $2.952 billion in FY2013 in overall funding for programs under the act, which reflects a five percent increase. Within those amounts, Part D Services for Women, Infants, Youth, Children, and their Families would receive $75.4 million in FY2010, $79.2 million in FY2011, $83.1 million in FY2012, and $87.2 million in FY2013.
The Government Accountability Office would be required to report on Minority AIDS Initiative activities and best practices in capacity building across government agencies.