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House Passes Bill to Repeal Funding for State Health Exchanges

On May 3, the House approved, 238-183, H.R. 1213, a bill to repeal mandatory funding provided in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) (P.L. 111-148) to establish state health insurance exchanges. The exchanges would provide small businesses with subsidies to pay for health insurance coverage and help individuals without employer-provided coverage purchase health insurance. The House Energy and Commerce Committee approved the legislation on April 5 (see The Source, 4/8/11).

During consideration of the measure, the House rejected several amendments, including the following:

  • An amendment by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) to require the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to post a notice of rescission and the total amount of unused funds rescinded on the HHS website, 177-239;
  • An amendment by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) to require HHS to submit to Congress a report that analyzes which states are expected to have difficulty establishing such an exchange without federal assistance, 178-242; and
  • An amendment by Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) to require HHS to report to Congress on possible delays and insurance enrollment reductions that may result from the bill’s enactment, 180-242.