On March 16, the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures held a hearing on the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (H.R. 3). The House Judiciary Committee approved the legislation on March 3 (see The Source, 3/4/11).
Because H.R. 3 does not directly amend the Internal Revenue Code, and therefore creates “some uncertainty about which Code provisions are affected by the bill,” Thomas Barthold, chief of staff, Joint Committee on Taxation, used his testimony to “outline some of the key tax-related features of the bill, to explain which provisions of the Code are clearly implicated by the bill and which provisions might be implicated, and to discuss certain questions raised by ambiguities in the bill’s language.” Click here to see Mr. Barthold’s full discussion of the tax-related provisions of H.R. 3.