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Resolution to Honor Women’s History Month Passes House

On March 19, the House passed, by voice vote, H. Res. 1174, a resolution supporting National Women’s History Month.

Sponsored by Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), the resolution contains a number of findings, including:

  • the purpose of National Women’s History Month is to increase awareness and knowledge of women’s involvement in history;
  • as recently as the 1970s, women’s history was rarely included in the kindergarten through grade 12 curriculum and was not part of public awareness;
  • in 1981, responding to the growing popularity of women’s history celebrations, Congress passed a resolution making Women’s History Week a national observance; and
  • in 1987, the National Women’s History Project petitioned Congress to expand the national celebration to include the entire month of March.

The resolution calls on the House to “recognize and honor the women and organizations in the United States that have fought for and continue to promote the teaching of women’s history.”

Speaking on behalf of the resolution, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) said, “From colonial times to the 21st century, the advancements of women have been inspiring. They are now being given their rightful place in our country’s history for their tireless efforts in enriching all of our lives. The president’s Commission on the Celebration of Women in American History was established in 1987 to give national recognition to this effort and to highlight the accomplishments of women in American history throughout the month of March. Establishing March as National Women’s History Month created an ideal teaching opportunity for educators, parents, community organizations, and workplace programs.”

Women were once considered second-class citizens whose rights were restricted from voting to property ownership. But today, women serve in the Senate. They serve in the House of Representatives, as members of the president’s cabinet, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and as Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi,” said Rep. Woolsey. She continued, “Today, I ask my colleagues to join me in reaffirming our commitment to the celebration of women’s history by supporting H. Res. 1174, to ensure that our grandchildren and great grandchildren learn about women like Amelia Earhart, Speaker Pelosi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and, eventually the first woman president.”