Veterans- On July 27, the House passed, by voice vote, the Ruth Moore Act (H.R. 1607).
Small Business- On July 28, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, S. Res. 225, a resolution honoring the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) on its 40th anniversary.
Health- On July 29, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved several bills en bloc, by voice vote, including the Breast Cancer Research Stamp Reauthorization Act (S. 1170).
On July 28, the Energy and Commerce Committee passed, by voice vote, H.R. 1344, the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Act, and H.R. 1462, the Protecting Our Infants Act.
Family Support- On July 28, the House Financial Services Committee approved, 56-2, the Child Support Assistance Act (H.R. 2091).
Education/Violence Against Women- On July 29, the Senate Health, Labor, Education, and Pensions Committee held a hearing, “Reauthorizing the Higher Education Act: Combating Campus Sexual Assault.”
International- On July 29, the House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing, “Women Under ISIS Rule: Brutality to Recruitment.”
Employment- On July 29, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a hearing on mismanagement at the Environmental Protection Agency.