Floor Action:
Appropriations- On May 29, the House approved, 321-87, the FY2015 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies spending bill (H.R. 4660).
Veterans/Violence Against Women- On May 27, the House passed, by voice vote, the National Guard Military Sexual Trauma Parity Act (H.R. 2527).
Appropriations- On May 29, the House Appropriations Committee approved, 31-18, the FY2015 Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Related Agencies spending bill (as-yet-unnumbered).
Human Trafficking- On May 29, the House Foreign Affairs Committee passed, by voice vote, the Human Trafficking Prevention Act (H.R. 4449).
Appropriations- On May 30, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense approved the FY2015 Defense spending bill (as-yet-unnumbered) in a closed session.