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House Subcommittee Holds Hearing on Child Support Bill

On June 11, the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit held a hearing on several bills, including the Child Support Assistance Act (H.R. 2091).

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Bruce Poliquin (R-ME), would amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act (P.L. 104-208) to authorize consumer reporting agencies to supply credit reports in response to a request by state or local child support enforcement agencies if such a report is necessary for enforcement of a child support order, award, agreement, or judgment.

Hester Peirce, director, Financial Markets Working Group and senior research fellow, Mercatus Center, George Mason University, said, “H.R. 2091 would enable state child support enforcement officials to obtain consumer credit reports without giving the consumer the standard 10 days’ notice – a requirement that enables delinquent parents to game the system.”

The following witnesses also testified:


Recording now available for the May 15th briefing, "Reducing Maternal Mortality in the US"!Watch Here