This week, the House is scheduled to consider a bill to amend the federal charter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars to reflect the service of women (H.R. 5441), and the Girls Count Act (H.R. 3398).
The Senate is scheduled to consider the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act (S. 1086).
This week, House Democrats are expected to elect their party leadership for the 114th Congress.
Health- On Wednesday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee will mark up the Sudden Unexpected Death Data Enhancement and Awareness Act (H.R. 669).
International- On Wednesday, the House Foreign Affairs Committee will mark up the Senator Paul Simon Water for the World Act (H.R. 2901).
Veterans- On Wednesday, the House Veterans Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on a bill to improve the care provided by the secretary of Veterans Affairs to newborn children (H.R. 5474).