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Empowerment in the Workplace Subject of Joint Hearing

On June 18, the Joint Economic Committee held a hearing, “Empowerment in the Workplace.”

“[W]omen face particular barriers to employment in their role as secondary workers and as family caregivers,” stated Diana Furchtgott-Roth, senior fellow and director, Economics21 at the Manhattan Institute. She continued, “Many women with children, particularly young mothers who cannot afford child care, would prefer to have flexibility in their schedule rather than extra overtime pay. When overtime hours are allowed to count toward time off instead of pay, women can change their work schedules according to their needs…Requiring overtime pay legally limits many women from trying to negotiate time off with employers.”

“Employees are empowered through access to quality jobs and services that help them build skills, to support and care for families, and do their best work every day,” Barbara Gault, vice president and executive director, Institute for Women’s Policy Research, stated. She continued, “Research shows the important benefits brought to businesses, families, the economy, and society as a whole when employers offer jobs with fair wages, paid sick days, and predictable schedules, and when workers have access to supports, such as quality early care and education, paid parental leave, and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).“

The following witnesses also testified: