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House Approves Social Security Resolution

On December 12, the House passed, 415-5, a resolution (H. Con. Res. 282) aimed at “Keeping the Social Security Promise Alive.” The resolution was considered under suspension of the rules, an expedited floor procedure that limits debate, prohibits amendments, and requires a two-thirds majority to pass.

Sponsored by Rep. Clay Shaw (R-FL), the resolution expresses the sense of Congress that the President and Congress should consider legislation to strengthen Social Security that would “recognize the obstacles women face in securing financial stability at retirement or in cases of disability or death and the essential role that the Social Security program plays in providing income security for women.”

Further, the resolution notes that such legislation should “recognize the unique needs of minorities and the critical role the Social Security program plays in preventing poverty and providing financial security for them and their families.”

Addressing those provisions, Rep. Shaw said, “Without Social Security, over half of elderly women would live in poverty today. As we consider the program’s improvements, we must not consider reducing benefits or cost-of-living increases that are so important, particularly to women.”