On July 11, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved the FY2014 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies spending bill (as-yet-unnumbered), by voice vote. The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies approved the bill, by voice vote, on July 9.
According to a committee summary and report, the bill would provide a total of $783.365 billion in FY2014 for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and several federal agencies. This amount is $4.438 billion below the President Obama’s FY2014 request and $25.925 billion above the FY2013 allocation. The total includes $164.33 billion in discretionary funding.
The Department of Labor would receive $14.604 billion in FY2014. This amount is $429.604 million above FY2013 and $41.963 million below the president’s request. The Department of Health and Human Services would receive $625.811, which is $22.052 billion above FY2013 and $2.723 billion below the president’s request. The Department of Education would receive $72.527 in FY2014. This amount is $1.32 billion above FY2013 and $1.984 billion below the administration’s request.
The bill would allocate $5 million to establish a new state paid leave fund, financed for by employer and/or employee contributions. The fund would allow employees to take leave from work in the event of illness, the birth or adoption of a child, or to care for an ailing parent or spouse (p. 26). The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) (P.L. 103-3) currently allows employees to take unpaid leave for such occasions.
The chart below details funding for programs important to women and their families.
Program/Agency |
FY2013* |
President’s FY2014 Request |
Department of Labor |
Dislocated Worker’s Assistance | $1.255 million | $1.266 million | $1.266 million |
Women In Apprenticeships | $994,000 | $0 | $994,000 |
Women’s Bureau | $11.536 million | $9.214 million | $11.536 million |
International Labor Affairs Bureau | $92.125 million | $95.425 million | $95.425 million |
Department of Health and Human Services |
Health Resources and Services Administration | $6.453 billion | $6.342 billion | $6.609 billion |
Community Health Centers | $1.574 billion | $1.567 billion | $1.574 billion |
Maternal and Child Health Bureau | $860.252 million | $853.355 million | $858.6 million |
Maternal and Child Health Block Grant | $643.807 million | $638.646 million | $643.807 million |
Heritable Disorders | $9.913 million | $0 | $9.913 million |
Universal Newborn Hearing Screening | $18.811 million | $18.6 million | $18.66 million |
Healthy Start | $104.309 million | $103.532 million | $103.532 million |
Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act | $2.343 billion | $2.412 billion | $2.394 billion |
Ryan White Part D- Children, Youth, Women and Families Program | $77.013 million | $77.167 million | $77.013 million |
Family Planning | $296.244 million | $327.402 million | $327.402 million |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | $6.547 billion | $6.645 billion | $7.023 billion |
Global Health | $346.964 million | $393.024 million | $391.964 million |
HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, and TB Prevention | $1.098 billion | $1.177 billion | $1.108 billion |
National Institutes of Health | $30.648 billion | $31.102 billion | $30.955 billion |
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities | $275.887 million | $283.299 million | $281.416 million |
Administration for Children and Families | $29.859 billion | $31.04 billion | $31.983 billion |
Child Support Enforcement and Family Support | $2.904 billion | $2.965 billion | $2.965 billion |
Child Care & Development Block Grant | $2.324 billion | $2.478 billion | $2.5 billion |
Refugee and Entrant Assistance (unaccompanied minors) | $375.088 million | $494.597 million | $494.597 million |
Refugee and Entrant Assistance (aid to victims of trafficking) | $9.755 million | $19.975 million | $15.775 million |
Child and Families Services Programs | $9.927 billion | $11.089 billion | $11.418 billion |
Head Start | $7.986 billion | $9.621 billion | $9.621 billion |
Consolidated Runaway and Homeless Youth Program | $97.16 million | $100.355 million | $99.355 million |
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention and Treatment Program | $93.516 million | $93.703 million | $93.516 million |
Abandoned Infants Assistance | $11.53 million | $11.553 million | $11.53 million |
Child Welfare Training and Services/Adoption | $384.495 million | $385.267 million | $389.495 million |
Family Violence/Battered Women’s Shelters | $129.288 million | $135 million | $135 million |
National Domestic Violence Hotline | $3.191 million | $4.5 million | $4.5 million |
Promoting Safe and Stable Families (discretionary) | $62.938 million | $63.065 million | $63.065 million |
Office of the Secretary | $542.585 million | $421.276 million | $517.381 million |
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Community Grants | $112.838 million | $103.022 million | $113.245 million |
Abstinence Education | $4.981 million | $0 | $0 |
Office for Civil Rights | $40.857 million | $42.205 million | $42.205 million |
Office of Minority Health | $55.67 million | $40.56 million | $42.56 million |
Office on Women’s Health | $33.615 million | $26.808 million | $26.808 million |
Minority HIV/AIDS | $53.574 million | $53.891 million | $53.891 million |
Department of Education |
Title I Grants to LEAs | $14.487 billion | $14.516 billion | $14.612 billion |
Special Education Grants for Infants and Families | $441.824 million | $462.71 million | $462.71 million |
Child Care Access Means Students in School (CCAMPIS) | $15.938 million | $15.97 million | $15.938 million |
Office for Civil Rights | $102.418 million | $107.5 million | $102.418 million |
*Does not reflect the March 1, 2013 sequester of funds under the Budget Control Act (P.L. 112-25).