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Senate Recognizes National Methamphetamine Awareness Month

On October 2, the Senate passed, by unanimous consent, S. Res. 703, a resolution designating November 2008 as National Methamphetamine Awareness Month. The Senate passed an identical resolution (S. Res. 366) in November 2007 (see The Source, 11/16/07). 

The resolution contains a number of findings, including: 

  • the profile of methamphetamine is changing, as three-fifths of the nation’s sheriffs report increased methamphetamine use by women and half of the nation’s sheriffs report increased use by teens;
  • in surveys on the abuse of methamphetamine by teens, many of the respondents said that the drug was easy to get and believed there is little risk in trying it; and
  • National Association of Counties surveys have shown that methamphetamine also places significant burdens on local social service and health care resources, increasing out-of-home placements for children, sending more people to public hospital emergency rooms than any other drug, and producing an ever-growing need for methamphetamine treatment programs.

The resolution encourages the “people of the United States and interested groups to observe National Methamphetamine Awareness Month with appropriate education programs and outreach activities.”