Floor Action:
Health- This week, the House canceled its consideration of H.R. 1628, the American Health Care Act when it became clear that the measure did not have enough support for passage.
Miscellaneous- On March 20, the House passed, by voice vote, H.R. 382, the 100 years of Women in Congress Act.
Child Protection- On March 22, the House Judiciary Committee approved bills to protect children from abuse: H.R. 695, the Child Protection Improvement Act, H.R. 883, the Targeting Child Predators Act, and H.R. 1188, the Adam Walsh Reauthorization Act.
International- On March 22, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing, “Flashing Red: The State of Global Humanitarian Affairs.”
Military- On March 21, the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel held a hearing, “Social Media Policies of the Military Services.”
Family Support- On March 21, the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Nutrition held a hearing, “The Next Farm Bill: Nutrition Distribution Programs.”